Life Animated
The incredible story of a boy without language, animated Disney movies and the small miracles of everyday life. When Owen Suskind is three years old, he suddenly stops talking and starts to behave strangely. Despairingly, the family witnesses how he moves bit by bit into the quiet world of autism. But when all hope seems to be lost, unexpected help arrives from The little mermaid, Peter Pan and Mowgli! Owen loves Disney films and knows all the lines so when the family starts to talk "Disney", they get a valuable reward: The key to unlocking Owens world. Aftonbladet's Jens Peterson thinks it's a "strange real story and it's very skillfully told, partly with animation. It's moving and touching, and there's a lot of pain and loneliness beside love. "
Category: | Documentary |
Genre: | Biography, audio description, family |
Director: | Roger Ross Williams |
Country: | USA |
Language: | English |