
Hajen som visste för mycket

Allowed 84 minutes 1989 6.0

Galenskaparnas and After Shave's second feature film Hajen som visste för mycket is an eighties comedy that takes place in the turbid waters of the financial sharks. The equally rich and hysterical builder Samuel Plottner (Claes Eriksson) senses something amiss when his son Joakim writes a newspaper article titled "Asbestos plates makes you thin". Asbestos cement plate maker Davidsson & Lock's shares go up, there is a chaos on the stock exchange and complications ensue. The twisted plot brings us to night clubs, a different fashion show, around Solvalla race track in a sulky, up and down in a roller coaster, and on a wet canoeing trip. And what does Joakim know Samuel that does not? Why cannot Samuel meet all his sons at the same time? All ends in a chaotic dissolution with the protagonists hanging from a big wrecking ball.

The film is not playable outside of Sweden
Category: Feature film
Genre: Comedy, family
Director: Claes Eriksson
Actor: Anders Eriksson, Kerstin Granlund, Claes Eriksson, Knut Agnred, Per Fritzell, Peter Rangmar, Jan Rippe
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish