

Allowed 81 minutes 2016 7.8

In this documentary, rebel and dancer Sergei Polunin, British Royal Ballet’s youngest student ever, and later by the British media called “the bad boy of ballet”, is portrayed. Polunin, who participated in the change of the ballet both as a concept and as an art form, decides despite his success, to leave the career as a dancer at the age of twenty-five. Instead, he tweets about wild parties and drugs, and he also has plans to start working at a tattoo studio in which he is an associate. Anna Ångström writes about Dancer in Svenska Dagbladet as "an ambitious and partly moving documentary trying to get under the skin of the wonder child who became a bad boy."

The film is not playable outside of Sweden
Category: Documentary
Genre: Biography
Director: Steven Cantor
Country: Ukraine
Language: English, Ukrainian, Russian