#thursdaypremiere w. 1
A new year with films from Viddla!
We start the new year with films and documentaries who received very nice reviews:
In Svenska Dagbladet, Hynek Pallas writes: "There is art that with almost ridiculous precision cuts right into its contemporary. Abderrahmane Sissakos Timbuktu is that kind of film. Timbuktu was Oscar-nominated in 2014 in the category Best Foreign Language Film of the Year. It was also nominated for the Gold Palm in Cannes.
Jan-Olov Andersson at Aftonbladet highlights Kristen Stewart's and Peyman Maadi's performances in the movie Camp X-ray.
Therese Lindström in Upsala Nya Tidning believes that the director of The German doctor has "managed to create a genuinely unpleasant mood from the first moment of this well-made film".
Roger Wilson at Kulturnytt in P1 says that A fantastic woman is a "poetic and strong depiction of how oppression of transgender works in the real world." The film has won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film of the Year and a Silver Bear at Berlin's Best Film Film Festival.
Maria Domellöf-Wik writes in Göteborgs Posten that All we have is now: "Is a film without a filter, which vibrates of presence and intensity."
The magazine Village Voice calls That summer for "invaluable".
Published: 03/01/2019 Last updated: 03/01/2019