

15 yrs 133 minutes 1962 8.6

Peace in 17th-century Japan causes the Shogunate's breakup of warrior clans, throwing thousands of samurai out of work and into poverty. An honorable end to such fate under the samurai code is ritual suicide, or hara-kiri (self-inflicted disembowelment). A young Samurai warrior arrives at a mansion, asking to perform his ritual death there. In a series of flashbacks, we learn who he is, why he came, and what has occurred since. Although quietly told by another ex-warrior (about whom we also learn more), this is an interesting story that builds in complexity and tension. Dramatically photographed in beautiful black & white, given a strong Japanese score, and paced so that even the mildly patient will be glad they saw it, "Harakiri" is epically huge, and a must-see for story & film lovers.

The film is not playable outside of Sweden
Category: Feature film
Genre: Action, drama, historic
Director: Masaki Kobayashi
Actor: Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Ishihama, Shima Iwashita
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese